Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Something for your tuesday night.

So, I don't know how closely you follow the happenings at Target but apparently their debut of Missoni clothing and housewares was a total bench clearer. The demand was so high that it crashed the Target website within moments of the product being available and shelves in the stores have literally been wiped completely clean. ON THE FIRST DAY. Woah. I love me some Missoni, but let's get a grip.

But, I digress, let's bring it back to something a little more entertaining. (Yes, I can hear your stifled laughs from here)

The succulents in my terrarium are blossoming.

Sunny Bloom

Here I was freaking out about having to keep them alive and the little babies just start shooting out flowers!

Two of them are sending out buds and as you can see one of them has already blossomed with another bud just waiting to pop.

Waiting Bloom

And the other one has some funny little bitty buds on it.

New Buds

I'm pretty excited to say the least!

Last Bloom

On a sad note, the very last bloom fell off of the orchid plant our dear friend Jake gifted us as a house warming present when we moved into our new apartment. Jake has since moved back to Minnesota where I know he is thoroughly enjoying himself and I hope he knows he is missed. I will be doing my very best to get it to bloom again in his honor.

Not Safe

And then you say, "why would you show us a crooked picture of the stairs to your apartment?"

And then I say, "the picture is not crooked, the stairs are really that jacked up!"

Support bar

Here's a close up of the metal stabilizer bar they have installed so that the stairway to the apartment above us doesn't collapse down on top of us.
Please note the oh so visible safety tape applied to the cross bar so we down twack ourselves into a coma.

Wanna see something else even a little more disturbing?

Where the post is NOW

In this photo you can see where the stairs USED to meet up with the adjacent wall.

You can also see where the support bar is NOW resting on the stairs.

Where the post USED to be

And in this photo you can see the line where the support bar USED to be resting on the stairs.

We have been assured that an engineer has come to survey the situation and they will hopefully start construction on both sets of stairs sometimes soon.

The cause of all this craziness?


2 different kinds to be exact.

You know what that means?

The house has to get tented.

Lovely lovely sunshine

We live an extremely charmed life.

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