Saturday, December 31, 2011

The post that never was

First my apologies for being checked out for awhile.

I have no excuse for it other than having a major writing block. My computer has been giving me dirty looks. I avoided even going in the same room with it for the last month. And as far as being in the kitchen is concerned, I didn't even make a single christmas cookie.

No, I take that back. I attempted to make a batch of christmas cookies but for some reason I used 3 sticks of butter instead of 1 1/2, like the recipe called for. Yeah, Yikes. I didn't take any pictures of that.

I traveled to my hometown, Duluth, MN, for Christmas and after a much needed break from reality, I find myself back in the very temperately climated and crowded city of LA.

We've had a bit of a game changer come about in the last 3 weeks. After 10 shorts months of living in LA for me and 2 1/2 years for K we have made the decision to move back to Wisconsin. We're both slightly unsure of what this will bring but we know that it will be nice to be back closer to family and friends and I will have to retire the Toms until summer, which really is heartbreaking, but life goes on.

And with that, I leave you with some  snap shots from the last few months of last year:

This is how you should always start thanksgiving day:
How to start your thanksgiving
and with this too:
Eggy in the basket
And then around mid afternoon rock some of this:
Taco Dip
Right after you take these out of the oven:
and start what could possibly be the most ugly and delicious cake roll ever:
Beginning of the ugliest cake roll ever
and then unleash the grill master on the main dish:
Grill Master
and then sit down and enjoy each-others company over an amazing meal:
Thanksgiving Dinner
Follow that up with definitely the most ugly and delicious cake roll ever:
Ugliest Cake Roll

I found some time to make some gifts:


The frozen tundra for Christmas:
On the lake
It was actually in the 40's when we were on the lake this day. It was down right balmy.

I've never seen the ice this smooth and clear before:
Black Ice

I got to snuggle with all these cute little babies:

And I got to feast with all these wonderful people:
The Fam

And when I mean feast, I mean FEAST:
Christmas Feast

We had to go play on the lake a little more to work all the feasting off:
Lake Cooper

Lake Luna

But don't be fooled, there was a lot of napping too:
Luna BearCold Nose

There was a visit to the north shore of the Big Lake (Lake Superior)

Lake Superior

People were surfing. Only in Northern Minnesota:

I don't think I can do much better than people surfing on Lake Superior in December.

What about triple chocolate chip cookies? I'll be coming back at ya with some of those really soon. I promise.

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