Thursday, April 5, 2012

Happy Easter

At my house, we always dye easter eggs.

We've done this ever since I was a little girl.

I remember dying easter eggs with my Grandpa Fritz.

me and grandpa fritz

This picture is exactly what I remember. I was standing over the sink with him at my grandparents house on Coffey Lane. I'm probably about 3 here. We were dying the eggs in the sink because my grandmother was ALWAYS afraid things were going to stain. That and we were always going to poke our eyes out.
He was writing our names on them with a crayon and I thought it was so amazing that you couldn't see it until it came out of the dye. It was magic. He was magic.

little me

Can you believe that this cuteness is me? What the heck happened?
This is in my grandparents living room. Can you see that TV in the background? Yes, I'm really that old. Rabbit ears on the top. Do kids even know what those are any more?

dad and grandpa

This is my father on the left and my grandfather on the right, dressed in their Easter best.
Grandma was good at lots of stuff. Taking pictures was not one of them.
Look at my grandfather's hair and that skinny tie. Dude was styling.

step one

I find tradition incredibly important and comforting.
But, that's just me.
When dying eggs I only use the PAAS traditional egg dye kit.
It's really the only way to go.
Nothing fancy or expensive.

waiting for a bath

Do you know how to make perfect hard boiled eggs?

Put your eggs, in this case all 12, in a large pot. Fill the pot with just enough water to cover the eggs.
Put the pot over medium high heat and bring to boil. As soon as the water stops boiling, cover the pot and remove from heat. Let sit until cooled. They'll be perfectly done without being rubbery and turning that weird green color.


They've added some new colors to the kit since we were little. They've added the light green, pink and turquoise blue. The light green color is my new favorite.
This part always stinks because you let the tablets dissolve in 3 tablespoons of vinegar.
I actually kind of like it. Is that gross?

Don't answer that.


I also love listening to the little tablets fizz away.

ready to dip

I think my favorite part is looking at all the brilliant colored water all together.


I would like to report that I have learned a little more patience with letting the eggs sit in the dye bath than when I was a little girl. Well, not much, but at least a little more.

waiting to dry

No, I take that back. My favorite thing is how the eggs glisten when you take them out of the dye baths.

finished product

Oh, who am I kidding. I dye easter eggs so I can make a huge batch of egg salad. That's my favorite part.

spring splurge

And my second favorite thing about Easter is Starburst jelly beans. The green apple are my favorite and those are always the fewest ones in the bag.

basket for a little person

We're going to K's family this weekend to celebrate and I picked up a little something for a certain little monkey of a niece.

little person's easter basket

She just turned 2 in January. I might have gone a little overboard. That's what aunts and uncles are for though, right?

May your Easter be filled with bright feelings and may your heart be filled with the joy of the holiday.

1 comment:

  1. Where's the one that says Hoppy Easter? Really love the pictures of Fritz. Really really.
