Sunday, May 15, 2011

Things I'm loving right now...

As long as I'm jumping on the bandwagon of bloggering (Note: I do understand that I'm about, oh, 5-6 years late on the blogging bandwagon) I might as well do it wholeheartedly, right? So, as all good little bloggers do (or so I'm told as I don't personally know any actual bloggers) I am posting a list of things I'm really digging right now:

1)This book:
I have adored the movie for years now and imagine my utter and absolute delight to find the ENTIRE series in one book on the bookshelf of my heartbreakingly cute new roommate.
So far it's smart and funny and unlike so many books to movies, the movie really did an astonishingly good job of following along with the original text. Usually the people they get to play the movie versions of who I have forged in my head don't usually match up. Even if I see the movie first and then read the book, I still get a different vision. Not so in this case. Martin Freeman IS Arthur Dent and Mos Def is brilliant as Ford Prefect.
If you like smart, funny, sci-fi then this book(s) is the way to go. If not, then I might as well be speaking Vogonian to you.

2)This website:
The people who do this website are utter geniuses. Would I like to simply and easily compile all of the online things that I find interesting and cool? Don't mind if I do.

3)This movie:
Have I seen it yet? Um, no. Am I going to beg and plead my oh so handsome and smart boyfriend (can you tell I might be working the flattery card?) It looks so funny that I might pee my pants a little. PLUS, Jon Hamm will be shirtless in at least one scene and you really can't beat the hell outta that.

4)This album:
Once again, late the music scene on this one. But, having a bad day? Listen to Ambling Alp. You'll feel better by then end of it.

5)This product:
Am I a sell out? Perhaps. Is it more expensive than what I would normally spend on something like this? Definitely.
But, I gotta say, I never knew that my skin could feel this nice or look this glowing. I use it every night before I go to bed.

That's all I got for now.

We're moving into a new apartment next weekend.

It's actually just downstairs but we are totally trading up.

More baking posts to come with the BRAND NEW KITCHEN!!!!!

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