Saturday, August 27, 2011

It's a hot one out there folks.

It's currently 96 degrees at our house.

Picture 1

K went golfing. I hope that he doesn't die and I hope that he's worn sunscreen.

I'm sure he'll stay well hydrated.


(Gosh, he's handsome. He still makes my knees a little wobbly.)

As for me, I will be camping out in our apartment with the AC going while watching Jamie At Home re-runs and shopping for Aaron Rodger's jerseys. MMmmm. Aaron Rodgers. Have you seen his new mustache? Uh yeah. I'm pretty okay with that. He still can't make my knees wobbly like K does though.

Picture 2

I shouldn't complain about the weather because my peep's on the east coast are getting hammered by hurricane Irene.
I was worrying about my bestie in Key West and extended an invitation for her to crash on my couch if evacuation was imminent but apparently I needed to be sending my couch surfing application a little more north. Who knew.

I'll be thinking and praying for you all on the east coast. I hope that everyone comes out unscathed with your livers fully pickled because, really, what else do you do when waiting for a hurricane?


So, it will be an extremely stressful day of drinking coffee and hanging out with The Woo. That's Emma's new nickname. (It has evolved from Emma Lou to Emma Woo to The Woo) She's trying it out. Seeing how she feels about it.


Here's The Woo watching the hummingbirds at our hummingbird feeder.


They're super active in the morning.
She gets a real big kick out of them. She wouldn't even be able to catch one and I don't think she would know what to do with them if she did.


We also have some squirrels that she would like to get a run at as well.


They love to run in front of the window in the kitchen.


But, let's be honest. She spends most of her day snoozing on an assortment of places, mostly consisting of bed, couch, chair or rugs. K is convinced she sleeps on his desk too. But I have assured him that this does not happen. She knows better than that. Sometimes.

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